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New Report!

Biodefense Market Report: Vaccines, Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Bioterror Agents 2006

·        Expanded profiles of products for SARS

·        Current products in development for avian influenza

·        Added section on diagnostics products and technologies

·        Market size analysis for various diseases

·        Details and status on 158 bioterror vaccines and 155 therapeutics, plus human diagnostics in development.

·        250+ pages - 15% larger than 2005 edition.

The Biodefense Market Report: Vaccines, Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Bioterror Agents 2006 is the definitive study on the state of the biodefense industry. Written by BioAbility and published by the editors of BioWorld Today, this report is the only complete resource available providing hard data and information on the companies, markets, and products targeted against the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's list of potential bioterror agents. This list includes bacteria, viruses, and toxins such as Anthrax, Botulism, Smallpox, Ebola & Marburg, Viral Encephalitides and 19 other groups of pathogens identified by the CDC.

The Biodefense Market Report provides detailed background information on these diseases, their causative agents, their incidence and prevalence worldwide, with potential and current unmet market needs analyzed. It provides useful information regarding competitors working within this emerging market, by means of company and product profiles, and enables you to learn who the players are and the stages of their products in development. The report covers 240 companies, organizations, or institutions.

The report also features 51 tables, making it an easy-to-use reference for customized reports and presentations.

Save 60 Percent if You Order Today!!!!

The Biodefense Market Report: Vaccines, Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Bioterror Agents 2006 is an indispensable resource for biotechnology, pharmaceutical and med-tech companies currently working in or anticipating making a move into biodefense. The report also provides easy reference material for investors, analysts, attorneys, government officials and the media covering biodefense. Order your copy now for only $995 (60 percent off the regular list price of $2,495). 

TO ORDER, Contact BioAbility at info@bioability.com or calling 919-544-5111 or see BioWorld's website at www.bioworld.com 



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Last modified: May 22, 2008